Thursday, January 17, 2013

Day 17: Regular Maintenance

Work was slightly pointless today. Our boss gave us no new task to complete, but is still paying us for our time. As such, we headed into work today, had lunch with an old co-worker, watched Youtube and searched 4chan, then went home.

After I got home, I was feeling particularly unaccomplished, but knew that I had a gym appointment later with my friend and gym partner... Except that she revealed after showing up to my place that she had somewhere to be soon after she arrived. So, after hanging out with them and them going home, I didn't really have the drive or time to hit the gym.

Once again, felt unaccomplished. Immediately, my resolution leapt to mind and I wondered what I was going to accomplish today. My plan was to write about my gym visit and how getting into an exercise routine would be good for me, but that option suddenly closed to me.

So, instead of trying to enhance myself with physical activity, I looked to my surrounding and found them not ideal. Dirty dishes in the sink, trash on my desk, a trash can that required emptying, and other trivial chores. As such, I decided to enhance my settings by getting these fairly basic household tasks completed.

After doing so, I felt pretty good. Something about a clean environment made me feel more focused and relaxed, and as such I had pretty nice evening thereafter.

Today, I gave my apartment a good once-over and now feel more comfortable in my surroundings.

Daniel, of course.

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