Sunday, January 13, 2013

Day 13: Established Ground

Though I did spend the last couple of days in and out of excellent partying, I didn't want to lose focus of the path I was current set on. I am a student and employee of my university. I work an on-campus job helping students with computer problems, ranging from connecting to the network, to software issues, virus removal, and hardware repair and replacement.

So, you might find it a bit strange that I'm returning to work a full two weeks before the semester begins. The automatic response would be that a lack of students would directly translate to a lack of work for me. However, I am fortunate enough to be tasked with some upkeep activities of our systems between semesters, and as such am going to earn 75 hours of work before the semester begins.

In preparation for such, I reestablished myself in my apartment in my college town so that I can walk to work every day and get paid precious Earth monies. This included moving all my tech, clothing, medicine, etc to the new place and setting up just like it was a few weeks ago.

It's eerie looking around the campus when it's empty, sort of like I'm a survivor of some apocalyptic plague... Which is pretty much the coolest thing ever.

Today, I returned to established ground to prepare myself for a couple weeks of work.

Daniel, of course.

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