Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Day 33: Studious

As I've mentioned before on this blog, I'm a college student. I decided to pick Computer Science as the field of my studies, and this has proven to be a satisfying choice for me. I enjoy the content and how it relates to the world around me. I feel more in tune with technology and how programs work.

However, it's not all a magical fun ride. It requires a lot of work to be proficient and skilled in the field, and that work requires a lot of time. As a self-improving student with a part time job and quite a few hobbies, I find myself sometimes stacked for time.

Today, though, I decided to make a change. Instead of playing one of my various video games, I decided to take some time for my studies. A few sections of optional Calculus and the beginning of a C++ project later, I really felt more satisfied with my day. Rather than stressing and doing it at the last moment, I had the option of working ahead.

...And then I played video games.

Today, I worked to become more studious.

Daniel, of course.

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