So, I've successfully ignored this blog for the longest of times. At some point, life pulled me in a completely different direction than this website.
Well, what's there to talk about, hm...
Oh, we missed a Rapture, which I always find funny. At some point, you just have to brace for it- not the Rapture, mind you. I mean brace for the potential wave of insane people who actually believe the rubbish. This time it was a fairly small group of Christian crazies, but who knows what the next "End of Days" group will consist of. How many people are going to go batshit insane in 2012?
Part of me is disappointed, though. I would've loved to have seen the zombies raising from the graves and engulfing the world.
Maybe next time. Sigh.
Brought to you cordially by:
Daniel, of course.
glad to c u r back!
ReplyDeleteHey there :) following you man, looking forward to next posts.
ReplyDelete2012 is going to bring man-made havoc. Just the other day I remember watching the History channel and they broad casted about 4 hours of 2012 stuff. I hope they understand that this is just fueling and adding to the misinformed people.
ReplyDeleteagreeing with ^^^^^, i think 2012 is going to be the year man destroys man, and it wont be pretty
ReplyDeleteThe best part about 2012 is the amount of people who believe in it, just makes it that much funnier when the world doesn't end. Though I expect a lot of stupid people to do a lot of stupid things come Dec. 2012.
ReplyDeleteMe again.
ReplyDeleteIf there's one thing I hate more than prophecy, it's self-fulfilling prophecy. And when the world goes insane and riots because 2012 is the "End of the World", then generates the End of the World because they were afraid of the End of the World?
Le sigh!
Haha yes it's been nearly a year. Welcome back!
ReplyDeleteAhhh welcome back mate, a lot has changed, Earth I mean, haha.
ReplyDeleteThe end of the world lunatics have been around forever, so it's really no big deal to me.
ReplyDeletezombies would have been cool ;)
ReplyDeletehahaha welcome back! following you man :)
ReplyDeleteyeah man im checking on you more often now! thanks bra!
ReplyDeleteNice entry man and welcome back :D
ReplyDeleteI think it would have been fun attempting to fight off the apocalypse. Ah well, next time, indeed. :)
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you, it'd be cool to shoot down zombies from my roof:D Btw Welcome back!
ReplyDeleteLol, yeah the rapture was a total fail. Sucks for the people that gave everything away; maybe next time they will have more common sense.